616 E 9th St. NYC, NY 10009
(212) 460 9094


Pelican Avenue -intro

AW07 - Pelican Avenue [ out of Antwerp, Belgium ]
Pelican Avenue was founded in 2004 by Carolin Lerch, a graduate from the Antwerp Academy of Fashion and a former assistant of Bernhard Willhelm.
The label‘s intention is to question traditional codes in fashion, to propose a different approach, to avoid stagnation and self-satisfaction. A starting point of the collections and series of items are personal multi-layered reflections. The products have to support the expression of these ideas.
Some of the series are still adapted to less abstract pieces of clothing.
The intention of the whole project as well as the items themselves is rather challenging the unknown than developing one certain style or idea.

Zip-up JKT $489.oo

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